Adding Google Analytics To Your Account

Many of you have asked how to add your ListPipe blog to your Google Analytics account so that you can track and manage visitation. We have included the Ultimate Google Analytics plugin to your account so that you can easily connect your site to your Google account. The process should take you just a couple minutes if you already have a Google Analytics account.

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into your WordPress site
  2. Go to Plugins (on the left, near center)
  3. Activate the 'Ultimate Google Analytics' plugin
  4. Go to Settings (on the left, near bottom)
  5. Go to 'Ultimage GA' under Settings
  6. Enter your Google UA code and click to Update Options
  7. Your Google account is now connected to your site. Stats will begine to appear after 24 hours.

—Note that this process assumes you already have a Google Analytics account. If not; grab one; they're free and provide a remarkable amount of information about your site.

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