Posts Tagged ‘SEO copywriting’

Appropriate Volume

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Blogging for search engine traffic requires skill and understanding in some areas, however one of the easier areas to accommodate is 'volume'. Many of our clients are intimidated at the prospect of blogging until they understand that you don't have to write an entire tome for each post; a couple paragraphs will do.

In fact, more often than not, a couple of paragraphs is all you need to get your point across clearly and effectively. No need to write more than is necessary, and in most cases filler will be detrimental rather than helpful.

How long should each post be? As a rule of thumb, 300 words is plenty. There is no specific penalty for writing more, although you may loose your customers after the first few hundred words. The search engines are happy with as little as a few paragraphs. 300 words is a good number because it is short enough to write quickly, and long enough to include some good human-readable content with lots of relevant keywords.

In a pinch, don't be afraid to write a few sentences. The SEO value of the content will, of course, not be as strong, however you will be keeping the search engines on their toes as far as being seen as 'fresh and active'. When it comes down to it, frequency is pretty important. If your choice is between being able to write something now, or having to wait until you have time to produce more; always write now.

By the way, this post has 261 words in it. Just about right.

Writing Right

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

I was always frustrated in English class as we learned the myriad rules to stylized writing. It occurred to me that while there are rules to writing correctly, those rules are somewhat flexible.

Writing organic SEO copy is flexible to the extent that you can write just about anything you want, however there are points to be gained for technical correctness.

With search algorithms becoming more and more sophisticated by the minute, it is becoming ever more important to include proper sentence structure and punctuation to set yourself apart from the masses. Proper punctuation, in particular, will not only help your readers get through your ideas, but will show the search engines that you are writing something more important that a love note to a high school crush.

And as you can imagine, Google and the other search engines are interested in understanding the difference between a silly note and a serious article.

Take care to include punctuation in your content. Punctuation will help you get your point across in a meaningful manner, and will appeal to the search engines as they digest your sentences and organize the keywords. Take care, too, to add highlighting. Highlighting is also recognized by the search engines, and when used properly can provide a little extra credit to specific keywords and phrases.

I have be reading an excellent book titled Eats Shoots and Leaves. This hilarious book is a great introduction to punctuation and proper use of language. Give it a try, and make sure to include punctuation in your organic content.

Why Content Matters: Analogy

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

I often have to explain to people why content matters to a website when it comes to marketing online. I usually go with a simple analogy that helps explain how a search engine views your site, and why regular, frequent copy changes are considered so important to your search rank.

Consider the following:

You are out on the town, looking for a fun place to spend the evening. 'Let's go to a nightclub' you might say. So you cruise main street looking for some excitement. As it turns out, you happen upon two candidates, each directly across the street from the other.

On your left is a nightclub seemingly bursting at the seams. People are queued up around the corner waiting to get in, and the place is clearly over crowded and full of life.

On your right is a nightclub that seems to have plenty of room. There is no line, and no crowd. You could get in immediately and would have most of the place to yourself.

Which do you choose? If you are 'most people', you will be drawn to the excitement of the crowded nightclub. There are reasons for this...

The crowded nightclub is alive with excitement. People want to be there, and there is life and activity there. Others are clearly interested in getting in, and the overwhelming crowd implies that there is something to see, even if it is 'itself'. Fun.

Search engines see your site in a similar way.

Search engines deliver a product to their customers. Their customers are you and I when we perform a web search. The results we expect to be relevant, current, and exciting. Search engines, therefore, are on the lookout for exciting places to include in thier search results. Places that have relevant content, and lots of activity are considered better results than sites that are slow, stagnant, and lonely.

The content on your site is what search engines look at in order to determine relevance and excitement. Your site is more exciting when it has new content to share. The frequency of your new content is a major factor, because content becomes old pretty quickly.

Want to get your site to the top of the search engines? Make it exciting with some interesting content. Often.