Posts Tagged ‘content’

Ways To Connect With ListPipe

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

ListPipe offers at least five ways to connect with our service. Whether you sign up for one of our internally hosted accounts or have your own site, we can get you connected with an array of connection technologies that are easy to install and require no management.

1. Internally hosted is our standard, out-of-the-box solution for those who don't have a site or want a second one that points to their first one. This is the easiest solution and takes only a few minutes to set up and be running. Our internally hosted sites are built on the WordPress framework and provide a host of management options.

2. WordPress plugin for those who have an external WordPress account and want our content, only. Our WordPress plugin is easy to install and takes only a minute or two; literally. This is an easy way to connect with ListPipe and allows you to maintain your own site by your own rules while receiving great custom content from our service.

3. RelayPipe™ for advanced integration with PHP websites. RelayPipe is a web service based on REST that allows you to create a new page with any of our various code samples and receive our content to that page. While we have made this solution fairly easy to implement, we recommend this solution for webmasters, only, because a knowledge of CSS and basic coding is highly recommended. (-That said, we have had newbies install this successfully, so if you are technically inclined and patient, it is possible.)

4. Domain Mapping is available for those who have an internally hosted account but want it to appear as a seamless extension of their existing site/domain. Once you have created your internally hosted ListPipe account, you can map a domain or sub-domain to the account using a handy took in our Control Panel. It only takes a few minutes to do, and will make your ListPipe site appear in the search engines as a natural extension of your existing domain. We highly recommend this if you have an internally hosted site.

5. An iFrame can be used to present an internally hosted site in a window on your existing page. This is a simple way to incorporate the blog content onto a site, but offers no additional SEO value than the externally hosted site already affords. Using an iFrame adds the convenience of showing all your content within a single site, but iFrames can be a little cumbersome. Some integrations we have seen have been done really well, others not so much. Your results will vary depending on your skill and the theme of your existing site.

Why Content Matters: Analogy

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

I often have to explain to people why content matters to a website when it comes to marketing online. I usually go with a simple analogy that helps explain how a search engine views your site, and why regular, frequent copy changes are considered so important to your search rank.

Consider the following:

You are out on the town, looking for a fun place to spend the evening. 'Let's go to a nightclub' you might say. So you cruise main street looking for some excitement. As it turns out, you happen upon two candidates, each directly across the street from the other.

On your left is a nightclub seemingly bursting at the seams. People are queued up around the corner waiting to get in, and the place is clearly over crowded and full of life.

On your right is a nightclub that seems to have plenty of room. There is no line, and no crowd. You could get in immediately and would have most of the place to yourself.

Which do you choose? If you are 'most people', you will be drawn to the excitement of the crowded nightclub. There are reasons for this...

The crowded nightclub is alive with excitement. People want to be there, and there is life and activity there. Others are clearly interested in getting in, and the overwhelming crowd implies that there is something to see, even if it is 'itself'. Fun.

Search engines see your site in a similar way.

Search engines deliver a product to their customers. Their customers are you and I when we perform a web search. The results we expect to be relevant, current, and exciting. Search engines, therefore, are on the lookout for exciting places to include in thier search results. Places that have relevant content, and lots of activity are considered better results than sites that are slow, stagnant, and lonely.

The content on your site is what search engines look at in order to determine relevance and excitement. Your site is more exciting when it has new content to share. The frequency of your new content is a major factor, because content becomes old pretty quickly.

Want to get your site to the top of the search engines? Make it exciting with some interesting content. Often.