Top Ten List

  1. Fresh Content

    Our Powerful Custom Contentâ„¢ is posted to your blog each week, automatically. This helps your site appear fresh and new to the search engines, which give higher ranks to sites that frequently present new and relevant content.

  2. Site Map

    ListPipe participants who subscribe to our Powerful Custom Contentâ„¢ are automatically added to our Site Map. This helps the search engines find and index your site faster.

  3. Included Blog

    Participants get an included blog and web hosting with each account. No additional payments are necessary.

  4. Low Cost

    Subscribing to our Powerful Custom Contentâ„¢ is cost efficient. We research, write, optimize and post an article each week, all for one low cost. Cost effective and convenient, you won't get this much value from other professional writers.

  5. Full Control

    Your blog is yours to use, and we encourage you to use it. Write your own posts, edit the articles we provide, or reject content you don't want; its all up to you.

  6. Saves Time

    The reason we created our SEO copywriting services is because we know how much time it can take to keep up with the search engines. That's why we do it for you. All you have to do is approve article and watch your search rank improve.

  7. Higher Ranks

    We built proprietary optimizations into the ListPipe website that help increase each participant's ability to rise to the top for their market. All based on organic search strategies. You'll see great results and look more credible in the lists.

  8. Training

    We want you to start blogging on your own so much, we have built-in training to help you get started with your own posts when you have the time. We even have handy video training to show you how it's done.

  9. Customization

    We've provided a selection of custom headers for you to choose from. You choose the header you like best, and then name your blog with a special subtitle, too.

  10. Organic Search Optimization

    Our Powerful Custom Content is researched and customized specifically for organic growth. This means that the longer you have it, the more value it provides to your search rank.